Creative storage ideas for your home

March 4, 2019 | Laura Whittle

Are you terrible at organising your stuff? Are you guilty of rummaging through about six drawers’-worth of old contact lenses, single gloves, hairbrushes, costume wigs and Christmas cards from your grandparents? Well, this one’s for you.

Luckily, we’ve discovered lots of ways of creating storage space that’s both cheap and easy to organise. Here are our top favourites…

A beautiful butterfly

If you’ve decided to sort your storage, the temptation is to go out and buy 4,000 boxes of various shapes and sizes. This is crazy expensive and is also – ironically – just adding to the stuff you then have to store.

There are probably already lots of things around your house that you can transform into storage, like a caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly.

It’s all about seeing things in a different way. For example, the spice rack you got as a moving in gift and are currently using to store one sad jar of mixed herbs and some old pens can be painted and hung in the bathroom for toiletries.

CD racks, which no one uses anymore because Spotify killed the music industry, go in cupboards to stack your lost Tupperware lid collection.

The fun doesn’t stop there. Old filing boxes are the perfect size to store cans in cupboards, coat hooks can be attached to the bottom of the wall to hang shoes, and pillboxes are great for small jewellery. They also easy to grab if you’re going away for the weekend.

You can pick up lots of cheap bits at the tip or in charity shops to turn into something else.

Thinking outside the box

If you want to get even more creative, magnetic strips like the ones you hang knives from can be used to hold scissors or even hair pins. Even old tin cans can be painted and jazzed up to become desk organisers.

Cheap and cheerful

Tidying guru Marie Kondo says she’s tried all the storage solutions in Japan and the best thing she’s ever found is the lowly shoebox. Use it for anything from storing rolled up tights in your sock drawer to separating pan lids in the kitchen.

Another Kondo tip is to fold clothes vertically and stand them upright in your drawers. This technique can give you an extra 50% of space and means you can see all your clothes more easily. This is next-level tidying so if you achieve this, you have my utmost respect.

Sneaky storage

Wires are pretty much the bane of the modern age, so tape the little suckers onto the sides of coffee tables to keep them out of the way.

Hanging stuff in otherwise useless spaces is a good idea generally. Hanging storage slots onto the backs of doors or in wardrobes and is good for shoes, bathrooms, washing or pretty much anything else.

Nooks and crannies

If you’ve got any other weird spaces in your house you might be able to slide some drawers under it or down the side of it. Shelves are Old School but they’re great for fitting into weird little gaps and closets too.

Overlooked storage spaces include underneath the bed, the gap between your fridge and counter top, behind doors – where you can attach all sorts of things, like mirrors or shelves – and even above doorways.

If this has you thinking about finding the perfect home to store all your stuff in, contact our sales team to find out how we can help you!